1965 - Saved Green Lantern surf @ Maili Point, Waianae, from 700 foot long breakwater
1966 - A big hotel-development plan was stopped before it could build hotels in the park and create an island with a wide, sun-bathing beach on Ala Moana Reef. The State got as far as Magic Island, which destroyed two surf sites. The plan would have destroyed all surf sites off Ala Moana Park: Shark Hole, Tennis Court’s, Big Left’s, and all sites in between. - VIEW -
1967 - Stopped the construction of a hotel on the reef next to Kewalo basin, where the Burns administration had promised the Dillingham Construction Co. to build a protective wall on the reef for two hotels at Kewalo Harbor. It would have destroyed several surfing sites at Kewalo. - VIEW -
1968 - Stopped the building of huge groins out into the surf at Kuhio Beach that would destroy Baby Queens surf site. The head of the State Department of Land and Natural Resources said that he did not know people surfed that area! The plan at the time was the same as it is now: to bring in sand for a wide sand beach that the tourists can sit on. - VIEW -
1970 - Saved Kaimu surf and beach from United States Army Corp of Engineers lies & a $26 million tourist resort on Big Island.
1971 - Organized “Hawaii Shoreline in Crisis” Conference with exhibits at Roosevelt High School that garnered national media coverage.
1971 - Organize a rally of some 3,000 wave riders in March. The S.O.S demands of the legislature included the following:
Protect all surfing sites as Ocean Parks! A full 250-acre Park on Sand Island! Support Student Originated Study Shoreline Program! Call for Public Access to Hawaii Shoreline! Open up a 2-mile wide NorthBeach at Kaneohe MCAS
1971 - Won Sand Island Park for West Oahu Community .
1972 - Defeated proposed Mole at Ala Wai Boat Harbor that would have destroyed the Ala Moana Bowls surf site.
1973 - Discovered illegal dumping of tars and asphalt products at the Keehi Lagoon shoreline and private corporation stealing public lands.
1974 - LD press conference that revealed the legal dumping at Keehi Lagoon by Pacific Concrete & Rock, Hawaiian Bitumuls & Paving Company, and HC & D.
1975 - A scientific analysis of shoreline issues, “Alienation and Environment”, by John Kelly Jr., S.O.S representative, presented at the Beach and Surf Parameters workshop. It contains a summary of Keehi Lagoon illegal dumping, which had continued for at least 15 years, unreported by any government agency.
1978 - Stopped the largest illegal dumping case in US history at Keehi.
1983 — Joined Waianae residents to prevent the construction of 10 planned hotels at West Beach, seen as a threat to their rural lifestyle.
1986 - Succeeded in requiring the Hawaiian Electric Co. to pay for a bathhouse, an access road, and a parking lot at Tracks Beach for the public in exchange for taking over a community beach and building its outfall in the middle of it.
1994 - Killed a parking lot planned out in the ocean at Flies Surf Site.
2000 - Protest of Kuhio Beach widen project, including removal of the protective wall and construction of dangerous T-groins.
2008 - Negotiated for 300 Free parking stalls at Ala Wai small boat harbor for ocean users.
2014 - Since 04’ working on beach parking at Laniakea. - VIEW -
2018 - Stopped T-head groins in Waikiki.
2020 - Stopped state from taking 125 free parking stalls from the 300 negotiated in 2008. - VIEW -